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The Digital            NavigatorEG

  The Digital Economy


The Digital Economy

The digital economy is comprised of the billions of worldwide on-line business and financial transactions that occur daily. In today’s digital economy, the Internet and Electronic Commerce (EC) serve as the central hub by which all economic activity occurs.  This, in turn, enables the delivery of goods and services to be global in scope. The digital economy  is fast paced, immediate and available round the clock.  The digital economy has transformed the way businesses operate. This is evidenced by the importance of


     * Business to Business EC

     * Business to Consumer EC

     * Consumer to Consumer EC


The digital economy can be characterized by several important features including exchange efficiency, speed of delivery, personalization, mobility and virtual communication.  When comparing the digital economy to a traditional economy, there are some important differences.  In a traditional economy, there is a greater reliance on so-called bricks and mortar stores; specifically, department stores, traditional retail stores, shopping malls
and so forth. In contrast, the digital economy relies on the selling of goods and services via the Internet.  The products and services themselves, however, can be both physical (i.e., household goods, clothing, food etc.)
as well as digitally based (i.e., music and video streaming, on-line finance,  educational instruction etc.).  The digital economy has also changed the way consumers purchase goods and service by giving them more power
o comparative shop.  Methods of payment have also changed,  In a traditional economy, businesses (and organizations) accept cash, checks and credit cards as a method of payment.  In a digital economy, businesses (and organizations) will more typically accept credit cards, debit cards, mobile payments, digital wallets and varying degrees of crypto-currency exchange.  



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Photo: Pixabay

Suggested Readings


Albarran, A., Mierzejewska B. & Jung J. (Eds.), (2018). Handbook of Media Management and Economics.
2nd ed. New York, USA: Routledge.


Albarran, A. (2019). A Research Agenda for Media Economics. Northampton, MA, USA: Edward Elgar Publishing.


Baumann, S.  (Ed.), (2022). Handbook on Digital Media Ecosystems. (Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing.


Brevini, B. & Swiatek, L. (2020). Amazon: Understanding a Global Communication Giant. London, UK:


Bygdås, A. L., Clegg, S., & Hagen, A. L. (2019). Media Management and Digital Transformation. London, UK: Routledge.


Gershon R. (2020). Media, Telecommunications and Business Strategy. (3rd ed.) New York, USA: Routledge. 


Krone, J. & Pellegrini, T. (2020). Media Economics Handbook. Heidelberg, Germany: Springer.


McDonald, P., Donoghue, C. and Havens, T. (Eds.),  (2021). Digital Media Distribution: Portals, Platforms,
. New York: New York University Press.


Noam, E. (2021). The Technology, Business, and Economics of Streaming Video: The Next Generation ofMedia Emerges. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing.


Rana, N., Slade, E., Sahu, G., Kizgin, H., Singh, N., Dey, B., Gutierrez, A., & Dwivedi, Y. (Eds.). (2020). 
Digital and Social Media Marketing: Emerging Applications and Theoretical Development

Heidelberg, Germany: Springer.


Vukanovic, Z., Friedrichsen, M., & Pavlovic, M. (2019). New Digital Value Migration in Media, ICT and
Cultural Industries: From Business and Economic Models/Strategies to Networked Ecosystems
. London, UK:






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